International Working Women’s Day (IWWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year around the world.
It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 was predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted by the feminist movement in about 1967. The United Nations began celebrating the day in 1977.
Armagh, of course, is synonymous with the celebrated warrior Queen Macha who gives her name to the City of Ard Mhacha and its world-renowned heritage site, Eamhain Mhacha. Macha was a sovereignty goddess of ancient Ireland but has latterly become an inspiring symbol of feminine power and authority.
For Seachtain na Gaeilge, Cultúrlann Aonach Mhacha has produced short video portrayals of how the Irish language has empowered influential female speakers of the language from Armagh and those excelling in their life and work from outside Armagh but who have special connections to Armagh. These videos will be released to coincide with International Women’s Day on 8th of March 2021. This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge.
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