Mid Ulster District Council has agreed not to increase the district rate for the financial year ahead.
At a meeting on Monday evening, the Council decided to absorb additional costs and anticipated income losses amounting to some £3.5M through a mix of savings and efficiencies and by applying funds from reserves.
A rise of 1.59% was originally proposed which would have meant an average domestic ratepayer paid 68p more per month.
However, the Council ultimately decided that the rate would remain at the same level as last year, basing its decision on its currently stable financial position and recent in-year financial gains in rate support grant.
The decision seeks to reduce the rate burden on residents and businesses, many of whom have been hard-hit already by the impacts of the pandemic and who face uncertainty in the year ahead.
The overall rates which residents pay is based on the district rate set by local councils and the regional rate which is set by the NI Assembly.
In Mid Ulster, only 42% of the domestic rates paid go towards funding council services and facilities. 58% funds the services provided centrally.
For further information about the district rate in Mid Ulster, visit www.midulstercouncil.org/rates