Two workshops at Dungannon Park taking place on June 7 and June 21 will help you grow your own fruit and veg on a budget and in a way that doesn’t harm the environment, reduce your carbon footprint and adapts your gardening practices and crops to climate change.
It requires some knowledge and forward planning, but most of all your willingness to do things differently – why not find out a bit more from Yvonne Zellmann who will deliver the workshops.
Book your space for a half hour information session in Dungannon Park (Fishing Lodge) to get tips, advice and new ideas on how to adapt your fruit and vegetable garden to our changing climate.
There are three time slots available on the two evenings, which can be booked by calling Dungannon Park on 028 8772 8690.
Wednesday June 7
Growing Climate Change Foods – Choosing what to grow and how! What types of fruit and veg to sow and plant in your garden in the face of climate change? Which crops could you grow to reduce carbon emissions? How to adapt your gardening efforts to unpredictable seasons?
Session 1: 6.30pm-7.00pm
Session 2: 7.15pm-7.45pm
Session 3: 8.00pm-8.30pm
Wednesday June 21
Use of natural resources in the vegetable garden to help tackle climate change – looking at soil, water and energy use and protection of natural habitats and wildlife.
Session 1: 6.30pm-7.00pm
Session 2: 7.15pm-7.45pm
Session 3: 8.00pm-8.30pm