Police in Dungannon discovered an 18-year-old girl sat at the side of the road with no coat, money or battery in her phone in freezing temperatures in the early hours of this morning (Wednesday).
Officers rolled up to find the stranded teen freezing – they say it minus one degree celsius at this stage.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Thankfully we came across her when we did and were able to bring her home. But this could have been a totally different story.
“What if we hadn’t seen her and she had been stranded out in the cold all night? Or someone else with not such good intentions had came across her first?
“This is why I am stressing the importance of looking after yourself.
“Before a night out ensure you have somewhere to stay or have a lift home organised. Have your phone fully charged before you leave the house and at this time of the year I’d suggest wrapping up warm.”
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