Mid Ulster District Council’s new online Grants Programme for 2023 – 2024 has opened for applications as of today (Monday January 30, 2023).
Applicants should note that this year there will be some key changes compared to previous years.
The previous Sports Capital Grant and Venues grant will now be merged into one new Community Venues/Facilities grant to help support the cost of the provision of community buildings across the district.
The previous Small Sports grant is now incorporated within the Small Development Grant covering the thematic areas of Arts/Culture/Heritage/Community/Environment and Sports.
Irish Language Programme Grants will now also be online (Bursaries grant will have an extended opening to Good Friday April 7, 2023).
Information sessions have been held over the last few weeks to help explain the new system, the application process, and these key changes in greater detail. The last information session will take place on Wednesday February 1, online, 7pm.
To register to attend please email communitydevelopment@midulstercouncil.org.
Applications for the Grant Aid Programme can be made here.