We, the family of the late Vera McConnell (née Alison), wish to thank sincerely all those who sympathised with and supported us during our recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all family members, friends and neighbours who telephoned, sent cards, posted messages on social media and gave donations in lieu of flowers to Alzheimer’s Society.
Thank you to all who were present on the day of the funeral, in attendance at the home, church or by paying your respects along the funeral route. Your presence meant a lot.
Special thanks to Rev. Jonathan Cowan for a comforting and uplifting funeral service and for the pastoral care and support he and Sylvia Pollock provided during Mum’s later years. Thanks also to Mrs. René Stewart, along with the choir members, who provided lovely music in the service, to Sydney Gilfillan, the gravedigger, and to all those who helped to prepare the church.
We continue to be indebted to all family members and friends who visited Mum and cared for her, to the staff of Hillcrest Care Home for their care in the last year, and to the wonderful team of carers who supported Mum at home in the preceding years.
We are also most grateful to Adams & Pollock Funeral Directors for their guidance and the respectful manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our heartfelt appreciation.