Dingley (R.I.P). Samuel (Sandy).
Molly and all the family of the late Sandy Dingley (R.I.P.) would like to express their sincere gratitude to everyone who sympathised with them on their recent sad and sudden bereavement.
Thanks to everyone who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, telephoned, sent their condolences, sent floral tributes and also to our kind neighbours family and friends.
A very special word of thanks to the neighbours and passers-by on the Mullaghmore Road for their help and support given on the day of Sandy’s passing and we will be eternally grateful to the Emergency Services who attended to Sandy along the roadside.
To Dr. Naughton and staff of the Oaks Family Practice for their phone calls and support at the time of Sandy’s death.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Lawrence Boyle for his spiritual support and prayers at Sandy’s funeral and burial.
Thanks to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional funeral arrangements especially in these difficult times our thanks also to the gravediggers who prepared Sandy’s final resting place.
Sandy’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 2nd February at 10.00am. Due to Covid-19 restrictions the public are not permitted to attend the Mass but it can be viewed HERE
We hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.