The Sons, Daughter and large Family Circle of the late Rose (Rosie) Mc Nally would like to thank sincerely all those who Sympathised with them on their recent Bereavement. To all those who attended the arrival of Her Remains and who Attended the Chapel and Burial on the afternoon of her Funeral. For all those who telephoned, sent messages of Sympathy, Mass cards, floral tributes, we as a Family are truly grateful.
We say a special thanks to the staff of Sandville Nursing Home, Medical Centre Coalisland and all the Staff at Craigavon Area Hospital who Cared for Mammy in last years and weeks of Her life. A special word of thanks to Dean Kevin Donaghy Father Brian White who received Mammy’s remains and also to Father Eugene O’ Neill who attended Her while she was in the Nursing Home and who Celebrated Her Funeral Mass. To Jim Mc Quiad who operated the Webcam and provided the opportunity for many people to watch the Mass, thanks also to the Sacristan Shane.
To all her Grandchildren who brought up the items that Represented her Life and the Grandchildren, Daughters in law who read the Readings and Prayers of the Faithfull. A special thanks to Declan kelly and Chloe for the Beautiful Music. To the Funeral Director, Martin kelly and Malachy, thank you for your Professional, Sympathetic and Sensitive handling of the Funeral Arrangements. We also thank the Grave diggers, Peter and Aidan. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this Acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest Gratitude.
Mammy’s Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church, Dungannon on Sunday 7th February (which would have been her 84th Birthday) at the 11.00am Mass. The Mass can be viewed via the Parish Webcam.
Dungannon, Clonoe, Belfast, Carrickmore,