We, the family of the Late Mary Dynes wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement. We would like to thank everyone who telephoned, sent Mass Cards, letters, messages and flowers. We took great comfort from the support of the large number of people who gathered at M Dorman & Sons Funeral Home prior to Mummy’s removal for cremation service at Lakelands Crematorium, Cavan. We extend a very special thanks to Fr Mark O’Hagan PP, Dundalk for officiating at the Service and making it so warm and personal.
Our thanks also to Peter Devlin of M Dorman & Son for his constant care, courtesy and professionalism and helping us as a family at every stage. We will be forever grateful. We would also like to thank Fr Eugene O’Neill PP, Coalisland for visiting Mummy in Sanville PNH in her final days- it was such a comfort to us.
Finally we wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to the wonderful staff of Sanville Private Nursing Home who cared for Mummy in her last years. We cannot thank them enough for the wonderful love, care and kindness that they showed towards Mummy – we will miss them terribly. Mummy’s carers were truly Angels and she loved them dearly.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all, in grateful appreciation.
Mary’s Month Mind Mass will be held in the Church of the Holy Family Coalisland on Friday 8th January 2021at 7.30 pm.
“Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul”.