Annie Vincent, 26 Derrygonigan Road, Killybearn, Cookstown R.I.P. The cousins of the late Annie Vincent RIP wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to family friends and neighbours who supported us during our recent bereavement.
Thanks to everyone who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, telephoned or sent wreaths. Thanks to those who attended the wake in the funeral home and all those who attended Annie’s funeral mass and funeral and also those who watched Annie’s funeral mass on the parish webcam.
A special word of thanks to Fr Laurence Boyle for his spiritual support and celebration of Requiem Mass and also to Deacon Eamon Quinn for his eloquent tribute to Annie. Thanks to Andrea Bigley and Patrick Slevin for the beautiful music.
Thanks to Niall A Loughran, Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional funeral arrangements.
Thanks also to the gravedigger, John Spratt.
We hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our heartfelt gratitude.
Annie’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 14th January at 10.00am in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown